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What's new pussycat?

What's new pussycat?

In 2017 Researchers in South Australia and New Zealand identified five distinct personality types in domestic cats by applying a model commonly used to describe personality traits in people. 

Using data from pet owners for almost 3000 domestic cats, rather than laboratory, shelter or feral populations the scientists measured 52 personality traits.

They then categorised the cats’ personality using the five factor model or Big Five: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These five are each then expanded to include more detail.

For example, agreeableness traits include affectionateness, friendliness to people, and gentleness. Extraversion traits include being active, vigilant, curious, inquisitive, inventive, and smart.

Interestingly, when cat owners are surveyed about their own human personality traits many are similar to their fluffy pets. The qualities of intelligence, confidence, and independence score high for both people and their pets.


Cat Brooches are a lot like real cats – elegant, stylish and fun. My collection of Big Cats Little Kittens vintage brooches, like their furry models receive heaps of attention.

Wear a fierce lion on your lapel or jacket to let them know who’s boss or pop on a cute tiger cub and show your soft side.

Big or small these vintage feline brooches are designed to show off the unique personalities of their species – be it wild lions, tigers, leopards, or gentle domestic moggies.

See the entire collection here - Big Cats Little Kittens  



All errors and omissions are my own. Copyright Audra Daws-Knowles. 2022.

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