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Who was Jakob Bengel?

Who was Jakob Bengel?

These brooches were designed and manufactured by the Jakob Bengel company in the 1930s. Kept in storage for over ninety years they are unworn and suit contemporary fashion brilliantly.

Founded by locksmith, Jakob Bengel in 1873, in Idar-Oberstein, Germany the factory specialised in chatelaines and watch chains.

Later the company became a leading design house and manufacturer of Art Deco jewellery exporting globally. Rejecting material snobbism, Jakob Bengel’s geometric designs in chrome, brass and metal amalgams as well as enamel, Galaith (an early plastic) and other materials were clearly inspired by the Bauhaus and Art Deco aesthetic.


Closed in 1939, the Jakob Bengel factory with its fantastic patterns, catalogues and machinery has now been restored and is an industrial heritage museum featuring international jewellers in residence and global jewellery exhibitions.

You can follow the museum on Instagram @jakobbengel

Authenticated Jakob Bengel pieces from the 1930s, these pins were purchased direct from the German factory in the 1980s and then left in storage until recently.

The leaf shape is reflects the Bengel interest in experimental Bauhaus and Art Deco styles. It is a wonderful reflection of the transition from old to new as well as a great understanding of what his contemporary customers wanted. Clean, fresh design.



Shop the entire Bengel Collection of Audra's Brooches here.


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